Thursday, March 29, 2007

all these people drinking lover's spit

Miles (jonathan) and I have agreed that we both had the most fantastic time on the mountain yet this winter (spring?). One would think we would be pretty rusty seeing as neither of us have been boarding for over a month, but I decided that boarding is like riding a bike--it comes right back to you no matter how long it's been.
Next topic: how awesome my car is... 345 miles, three trips to SLC and still going strong on one tank of gas.

Also, it all boils down to two things when it comes to happiness--all the rest is arbitrary.
1. Clean laundry
2. Warm feet
This was decided by Deana and agreed upon by Kayte.

Thank you Timothy Hutton for an entertaining night.

Monday, March 19, 2007

it's the animal poisoning.

-I spent the majority of my nights last week at the library till close.
+I went to yoga 3 time last week.
-I cut 2 inches off my head yesterday, and I had two people tell me today that it was getting so long.
+I cut my hair yesterday
+I went to a BBQ at Liberty Park yesterday.
+I turned in my 10-pager today. (I haven't written a real paper in almost 2 years, it felt good.)
-I think I lost my most favorite sweatshirt in the world on my ride home from work today.
-There are mice living in my house.
+Today's high was 75*F.
-School just needs to end.
+I got stuff in the mail today.

But seriously. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing that there are things, rodents, running around my room. Sick.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

i'm so lammmme. i'm building a library.

My lungs are burning. (I think last night was a failed attempt to mend something that was never there.) I also think I need to fix my Schwinn frame up. All it needs is a new front wheel, some liners and new tubes. I think I'm almost done with the Raleigh. It's given me more problems than not. And the Schwinn is prettier.

(I broke down and bought 2 CD's today. I'm still waiting for the last 2 I bought. I hate It will be my downfall.)
[And curse Deana (but not really) for realizing how much better something sounds if you actually own it.]

(My new W-2's need to get here soon so I can have money again. It's much better than not having money and spending it anyway.)

(Why can't I burn music like any other normal human being?)

Seriously, I came in from jumping a half hour ago, and they're still burning... What gives?

(I guess it's not a good idea to jump until, and way past, the point where you're not breathing normally-at all. Eh, I couldn't help it. Do you realize how wonderful it is tonight?)

(I might start a club? Flyers? Thoughts are moving...)

I have 100 programs to fold for church tomorrow. I have no desire to do it tonight. Looks like I'm getting up EARLY.
Also, I think my social anxiety is getting worse the older I get. I'm trying counter act this with activism in regards to my social life. Ehhhhhhh, yah, that will take some time.

Yoga heals.
Honest. This morning Shelby taught. I felt like I was doing things with my strength and bondas that I had never done before. Stretching further than I would ever desire to go. And it was okay with my body. I wish I had the time to go more.

Thinking about it today, I decided that I want a summer thats is free from the stress of working 50 million hours as previous summers have shown. (Mint Car is playing right now.) I want to be able to sleep-in if I want to. Or get up at 6am and run a few miles and not worry about having a 7:30 class. Do you think that's possible? I also will be be dedicating quality time this summer to avoiding the heat and becoming an expert at Guitar Hero.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

and secretly i want to bury in the yard the grey remains of a friendship scarred

I was telling someone about this night. 2am trampoline jumping is definitely the preferred method. Especially if it involves an empty street, good friends, and an over-zealous police officer. I am in the blue.

I took this picture this morning from my window by my bed when I woke up. I love what I get to wake up to everyday.
I wasn't in the sleeping mood last night. (Deana and I went to go see Casino Royale-007.)
It was NOT a productive day today. That in and of itself is tragic.

Good Night.

Friday, March 02, 2007

t to thePlease remind me to figh death if I'm ever captured by terrorists...

You can now check out the current conditions of the lines at the Testing Center-oh, how convenient. I was in and out of this place in an hour today. My Chem 281 test went splendidly!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm so tired. But the good news is that I'm finished with the skirt requirements for HFL 185R. It's done.
The powder up at Brighton is unbelievable.
And I've been communicating with my roommate via email because of our extreme opposite schedules. I love gmail.