Explanation: I have friends. They are humans. They are boys and girls. I have some VERY good friends. I am so happy I have them. They are so good to me. I don't know what I would do with out them. And so I come to realization that I need them. I need friends.
I was thinking earlier about the connection we make with the people we come into contact with and the type of relationship we form that makes us consider closeness with those people. Sitting at my desk at work I look over at my colleagues, who I see EVERY day, and I know that I will never consider a close relationship with any of them. But a 5 minute conversation with another person and it's sealed the deal in regards to our desires for closeness with one another. I have friends who I camp with. Friends who I climb with. Friends who I listen to music with. Friends who I garden with. Friends who I hug. Friends who I just LOVE LOVE LOVE. Friends who I read with. Friends who I go to concerts with. Friends who I laugh with. Then sometimes, SOMETIMES you get lucky. Sometimes you run into people who you can do ALL those things with. Keep those. They are exceptional.
Like this friend:

i have a small happy tear in my eye.
i like you, too.
I need friends in California. And I don't have them. Not yet anyway, but I will get there.
And I like that Sara friend a lot too. And you!!!
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